Cancellation Policy


At Eve’s Gym, we strive to provide our members with quality fitness services and facilities. We understand that circumstances can change, leading you to modify your membership status. This policy outlines the terms and conditions related to the cancellation of your gym membership.

Cancellation Process

  1. Notification: To initiate a cancellation, members must submit a written notice to Eve’s Gym at least 30 days before the intended cancellation date. This can be done via email or through a written letter delivered to gym address.
  2. Form Completion: Members are required to complete a Cancellation Form, available at the gym’s front desk or online at
  3. Final Payment: Any outstanding dues must be settled before the cancellation can be processed. If your cancellation request is within the 30-day notice period, one final payment may be charged.
  4. Early Cancellation Fee: For members on a contract, an early cancellation fee of 25% will apply if the membership is terminated before the end of the contract period.

No-Show Cancellations

Members who do not visit the gym for 6 consecutive months without a formal cancellation request will still be subjected to regular membership fees. To avoid unnecessary charges, please adhere to the cancellation process outlined above.

Medical or Relocation Cancellations

Exceptions to our cancellation policy are considered on a case-by-case basis for medical reasons or relocation. Appropriate documentation (e.g., doctor’s note, proof of relocation) will be required.

  1. Medical Cancellations: If you are unable to continue at the gym due to medical reasons, please provide a doctor’s note, and we will waive the early cancellation fee.
  2. Relocation Cancellations: If you relocate more than 30 Kilometers from Eve’s Gym, provide proof of relocation to have the early cancellation fee waived.


Eve’s Gym does not offer refunds for membership cancellations except under exceptional circumstances, which will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Policy Changes

Eve’s Gym reserves the right to modify this cancellation policy. All members will be notified of any changes 30 days prior to their implementation.

Contact Information

For any inquiries or assistance regarding the cancellation process, please contact us at: